Does your baby have a relatively easy time falling asleep, but a harder time staying asleep? Or maybe it takes tremendous effort to get your baby to fall asleep, only for them to wake not long after. 

Either way, you’re not alone!

All humans cycle through sleep during the night and during daytime sleep. Basically, we fall asleep in a particular position with certain ideal conditions (such as laying on our side with the fan on). Just like you, your baby has a way they prefer to fall asleep (maybe via feeding, movement (driving/stroller), rigorous rocking, etc.). Sometimes, they will fully wake up during their lighter sleep phase. This can result in short naps and frequent night wakings. Here is what you can do to help.

Check your baby's sleep space:

  • Daytime sleep and sleep in the wee hours of the morning is lighter and easier to wake from. Is the room as dark as possible? Consider street lighting outside of the window, daylight sneaking in, etc. Keeping the room dark and cosy will help prevent them from waking too soon. 
  • Is there white noise/a fan to block out neighbourhood and household noises? This can help your baby stay in a sleep zone 
  • Is your child wearing overnight diapers? Consider going up a size if they are still soaking through. If your baby keeps soaking through their diaper no matter what you try, ensure their jammies are not too tight/preventing their diaper from expanding properly. [Shout out to our client, Dawna, for sharing this tip with us!]

Check their timing (a.k.a. sleep pressure):

  • Is your baby tired enough to need a lengthy nap or stay asleep at bedtime? Avoid micro naps during wake windows to ensure the baby is tired enough to stay asleep.
    • See our nap guide here for wake window details
  • During wake time, offer both outdoor time and protein-rich food (for babies having solids)

How does baby fall asleep?

Consider encouraging baby to fall asleep without your assistance by:

  • Going through a sleep routine that is predictable and efficient (diaper change, feeding, story, etc.). This is a great time to connect with baby and wind down
  • Putting your baby down awake and aware of their space. We can guide you through how to achieve this

At the end of the day, we often hear, “Getting my baby to sleep is no problem, but they won’t stay asleep!” To be honest, the reason for this is often because of how they’re falling asleep. When we change the “how,” your baby will sleep in longer stretches.